Szlak historii ludzi, miejsc i wydarzeń
Zespól urbanistyczno-architektoniczny w Brzesku – Okocimiu. Folder turystyczny

Zespół urbanistyczno-architektoniczny browaru w Brzesku-Okocimiu, otaczające go zabudowania oraz sąsiadujący z nimi zespół pałacowo-parkowy Goetzów-Okocimskich, należą do najciekawszych zabytków Małopolski.

english version
The urban and architectural complex of the brewery in Brzesko-Okocim, the buildings near it, and the nearby palace and park of Goetz-Okocimski, are among the most interesting monuments in Małopolska. This complex, beautifully integrated into the landscape, was developed from 1845 until the late 1930s. What was initially a rather small brewery became one of the largest breweries in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and later in Europe. It was established in 1845 by the brewer Jan Ewangelista Goetz (1815-1893) who came from Langenenslingen in Württemberg, and whose ancestors had been brewers for centuries. Nearby, just by the forest on the west side of the brewery, there is the wooden building of the former summer theatre (now a restaurant Zajazd Okocim), founded by Jan Albin Goetz in 1902. It was designed in the Zakopane style, which was fashionable at the time, by architect Eugeniusz Wesołowski from Zakopane. The most impressive monument of Okocim is the palace complex and the park around it. The palace was built in the years 1898-1900 by the king of beer Jan Albin Getz-Okocimski and his wife Sophia of Counts Sumiński and it is in the neo-baroque to neo-rococo style. The designers of the oldest part of the palace were the Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer. In the years 1908-1911 the palace was expanded, with the eastern part designed by Leopold Simoni, a professor at Vienna University of Technology. Inside you will find the remains of the old equipment.

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