Szczepanów jest jedną z najstarszych miejscowości w okolicy. Około roku 1036 urodził się tu patron Polski - św. Stanisław, biskup męczennik (zm. 1079), a w roku 1667 Andrzej Szembek- późniejszy prymas Polski. Znajduje się tu kilka chętnie odwiedzanych miejsc powiązanych tradycją z świętym Stanisławem zwanym też Szczepanowskim.
english version
The most valuable monument of Szczepanów is the Gothic brick church of St. Mary Magdalene. It was erected by the Krakow mason Marcin Proszko in 1470 on the initiative of, among others, Jan Długosz. It is now part of a much newer church completed in 1914, built according to the design of Krakow-Lviv architect Jan Sas Zubrzycki. The chancel of the church has a Gothic cross-ribbed vault. A valuable monument of Szczepanów is also the church of St. Stanislaus which is located in the cemetery. It was erected in 1781 in the neo-classical style by Marshal Stanisław Lubomirski, supposedly according to the design by Piotr Aigner, on the site of an earlier wooden chapel from the 16th century. Not far from the temple, on the opposite side of the road, there is the neo-Gothic chapel of St. Stanislaus built in 1861 in the place of an older wooden one, and supposedly erected at the birthplace of this saint. Inside there is an altar at which an oak tree trunk is placed. Legend says that it is the tree trunk under which St. Stanislaus was born. An extremely valuable natural monument in Szczepanów is a 900-year-old linden tree growing in the market square. Inside it is completely rotten, but every year in the spring is covered with leaves. Legend has it that it was planted roots up by St. Stanislaus.