Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna w Mokrzyskach powstała w 1905 roku. Choć na terenie gminy istniały już inne ochotnicze straże pożarne tragiczne doświadczenia pożarów na początku XX wieku pokazały, iż siły do walki z ogniem są niewystarczające.
english version
Memorial Chamber of Volunteer Fire Stations in Mokrzyska. History of local VFB.
The first volunteer fire stations were founded on the territory of the present Municipality of Brzesko. OSP Sczepanów was established in 1864 and OSP Brzesko in 1874. The volunteer fire station in Mokrzyska was established in 1905, nearly one year after Brzesko's largest ever fire in which 228 houses and 400 outbuildings were burned down. In order to establish a fire station in Mokrzyska, a fire engine, towed by two pairs of horses, was purchased. This machine required eight firemen to operate it. In the 1950s the firemen's headquarters was located in a local blacksmith's shop called Heród. In 1960 the station received a petrol driven fire engine which was used until 1985. In 2014 the Memorial Chamber of Volunteer Fire Stations was opened in Mokrzyska.