W kościele znajdują się neobarokowe ołtarze z obrazem św. Bartłomieja, z figurą Serca Jezusowego i obrazem Św. Walentego, gotycki krzyż, XIX wieczne organy, kamienna chrzcielnica pochodząca z 1620r.
english version
The village Poręba Spytkowska was established approximately in 1282. The local parish originated at the end of the 13th century. The first mention about the parish, funded by the Leliwit’s family, comes from 1325.
The church was built before the year 1565. It is a gothic building with one nave and the presbytery which are made of stone and built on the shape of a rectangle. The church walls are covered with plaster and the roof is made of tiles. Next to the presbytery there is the vestry that is crowned with a vaulted ceiling . The vestibule, made of brick, was covered with sheet metal at the end of the 20th century.
In the church there are neo-baroque altars with the painting of St. Bartłomiej, the statuette of Jesus Heart and the painting of St Valentine. There is also the gothic cross, the 19th century organ and the stone baptismal font built in 1620.